Inspection Services
Buljan Inspectius brings a complete listing of professional home inspection services to clients in the greater Chicago area. We adhere to the excellent Standards of Practice for home inspectors as written by ASHI, InterNACHI, and the state of Illinois.

Buyer’s Inspection
Our comprehensive inspection for home-buyers is a visual assessment of most readily accessible components in the home. After the inspection is completed, we’ll send over a detailed report of our findings within 24 hours.
We inspect these components:
- Roofing System
- Structural Components
- Basement
- Foundation & Crawl Space
- Garage
- Exterior (doors, windows, cladding)
- Interior (doors, windows, floors, walls, ceilings, stairs)
- Attic, Insulation, & Ventilation
- Plumbing System
- Electrical System
- Heating & Cooling Systems
Commercial Property Inspection
We offer this inspection service for light commercial buildings such as strip malls, storefronts, and many other types of commercial property. Our detailed evaluation will reveal existing deficiencies in the property’s construction, giving you the information you need to make a more informed investment decision.
Pre-Listing Inspection
Selling a home without having it professionally inspected ahead of time will ultimately cause you unnecessary stress, and could even lead to stalled or failed negotiations. But if you have us inspect the property before you make a listing, you’ll be made aware of existing defects so that you have a chance to put improvements into place—keeping prospective buyers content with the negotiated terms when their own inspection doesn’t reveal anything unexpected.
Loan Draw Inspection
When a loan is approved for new home construction, the disbursement of funds is contingent on strict terms that were agreed upon with the lender. If these terms are violated, it can lead to litigation in the worst case scenario—and may otherwise delay construction. We can help prevent either scenario from occurring by conducting this inspection service periodically throughout the build, ensuring that ongoing progress on the home and the materials stored on site are compliant with the lender’s terms.
New Construction Inspection
This inspection service is a thorough evaluation of new home construction and should be scheduled before the builder’s final walkthrough. We’ll examine each readily accessible area of the home, including the installed mechanical systems—taking note of any defects that we encounter so that those components can be repaired or improved before final closing.
Once you’ve reached an agreement with the seller of the home regarding improvements and repairs that you want to see put into place, you should arrange for a re-inspection to be conducted before you close on the home. We’ll return to the property to inspect each component that was repaired or replaced, ensuring that it all checks out so that you can invest with complete peace of mind.
Home Maintenance Inspection
An annual home maintenance inspection is a huge boost of confidence for homeowners, providing the knowledge necessary for keeping the home in safe and sound condition. We’ll inspect each readily accessible and visible area of the property, providing a detailed report that will explain where maintenance is currently needed and how to get the job done right.
Radon Testing
Radon is a tremendous health concern, known for causing cancers in exposed individuals. But because radon gas is odorless, invisible, and naturally occurring—it’s nearly impossible to detect without having a home professionally tested. We’ll use the equipment necessary for detecting this hidden danger, offering guidance for radon mitigation in the event that the radon levels in your home are beyond a safe threshold.
Proud to Serve the Chicago Area
Our full listing of home inspection services are available to current and prospective residents of Chicago and all surrounding suburbs.
At Buljan Inspectius, we offer an investigative home inspection that is marked by integrity, accuracy, and professionalism in our actions from start to finish. Contact us today to request an inspection.
We enroll in Errors & Omissions/General Liability insurance. Online payments are accepted. Weekend and evening appointments can be scheduled by request.
Ask about our discount for repeat business.